Real People, Real Stories Episode 9, 2021: Charlotte Dales from Inclusively and Aubrey Northam from Mobelux

In this episode, Mark Miller, the host, and his producer Marissa speak with Charlotte Dales, co-founder of Inclusively, a professional network connecting employers with people with disabilities, and Aubrey Northam, her software developer. Charlotte talks about how her cousin Cameron inspired her to start Inclusively after Cameron became the first licensed aesthetician in the state of Florida with Down syndrome. Aubrey shares how she became interested in accessible programming, then they all talk about Inclusively’s challenges and successes.

About Charlotte Dales

Charlotte Dales is the co-founder and CEO of Inclusively, the leading employment platform designed to drive authentic inclusion and opportunities for people with disabilities in the workplace.

Charlotte’s experience in technology and startups has allowed Inclusively to provide a new technology solution to drive authentic Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace, helping companies acquire and retain top talent through a human-centered algorithm designed to optimize for the success of job seekers based on their needed accommodations to build sustainable livelihoods and careers.

About Aubrey Northam

Aubrey is a software developer based out of Richmond, Virginia with a passion for building web experiences that are both creatively inspired and thoughtfully crafted. She is focused on promoting and evolving web accessibility standards and achieving a more inclusive web for all users.

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