Native or Custom? A Guide to Recognizing Focus Styles
How can an auditor be sure that they’re looking at a custom-styled focus indicator, versus the default styling provided by the browser or operating system?
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How can an auditor be sure that they’re looking at a custom-styled focus indicator, versus the default styling provided by the browser or operating system?
December 12, 2023 | Technical
Should you fail interactive elements that have questionable hover styles under WCAG SC 1.4.11? Spoiler alert: the answer is no.
May 5, 2023 | Technical
Do you sometimes struggle to know whether a non-text element fails for low contrast under WCAG SC 1.4.11? Try this quiz to see how you fare.
April 2, 2023 | Technical
Have automated tools told you your site is accessible? If you’re using CSS opacity, those tools may be wrong!
August 30, 2022 | Technical