TPGi Sponsors tickets for Accessibility Scotland

The third annual Accessibility Scotland conference was held in November in Edinburgh’s EICC (Edinburgh International Conference Centre). The brainchild of four passionate advocates of accessibility, including TPG’s David Sloan, the conference brings together a mix of speakers – both new and familiar – on a range of topics all related to accessibility, inclusive design, and development.

TPGi sponsored five tickets in total, four of which were allocated to two delegates with disabilities and their assistants for the day, and the last ticket was given to a young woman starting out in UX.

The TPGi sponsored attendees were thrilled with the opportunity to participate. Said one:

I feel very privileged being able to take part of this great event!! I’m very happy for being one of those who got a sponsored ticket, otherwise I would have missed out. . .Compared to other tech industry conferences I go to it was very noticeable that the gender bias and age profile were much less ‘young white male.’ It was also a nice relaxed atmosphere…Fun, interesting, community coming together. Well arranged and professional. Great work!

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